Grilling Facts & Outdoor Living Space Facts - Did You Know?

  1. The taste/flavor of your meat is achieved by meat juices hitting a HOT SURFACE and revaporizing into the air inside the grill. The hot surface can be a metal plate system, lava rock, or ceramic rock.

  2. Does your grill use lava rock or ceramic rock? Are FLARE UPS a problem? Try our Master Grill Stone system. Available to fit any grill. This after market product will virtually eliminate flare-ups while cooking. Cost:$44.95 per set. Wood chips can also go directly on the stones to provide light smoke flavor. (See this product under our accessories page on this website)

  3. Dampened wood chips, placed in foil container on your rock grate (or cooking grid) creates an added smoke flavor to your meat. Try mixing two blends of chips together for flavor. Maple and apple wood chips blended together enhance chicken.

  4. We have parts for grills even 35 years of age (if still in production). If we don't have your part, you probably can't find it elsewhere.

  5. Did you know we carry Fire Pit Rings & Outdoor logs to design your own outdoor fireplace?
  6. Did you know We sell wood pellet smoker grills?
  7. Do you know what HARD WOOD CHARCOAL IS and how easy it is to use? It's not the same old charcoal we grew up with....ready to cook in 10 petroleum, no fillers, easy light
  8. We have a new BLOG to post questions , read answers, and hear from other outdoor "chefs".   Click on this link

That's why we are called THE GRILL SHOPPE.