HaCkEd By:Mr.Dark Shark!!�� �������� ������ ������
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Author: Subject: propane vs butane
John V

posted on 10-3-2002 at 05:13 AM
propane vs butane

I am trying to find the actual difference
between propane and butane. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each?

sharon tow

posted on 10-28-2002 at 02:52 PM
John, thank you for visiting our website. The differences in butane and propane is in the working pressures . for the consumer's application the 2 gases are about the same. However in this part of the country you only find propane.(butane must be stored in tanks underground where the temp stays constant at 68 degress in order for the butane to vaporize when needed. )Propane is stored above ground and doesn't require the same constant temp. to vaporize. There are underground PROPANE tanks but they only use propane not butane. These tanks can be verified by the # stamped into the tank head by the initals WP or working pressure . Please call our office or ask more info here if we can be of help....Fort Worth Butane & Grill Shoppe

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