HaCkEd By:Mr.Dark Shark!!�� �������� ������ ������
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Author: Subject: Looking for a LP hose extension , about 8 to 10 feet, why isn't this this product available?
Bob Scott

posted on 10-27-2002 at 10:57 PM
Looking for a LP hose extension , about 8 to 10 feet, why isn't this this product available?

sharon tow

posted on 10-28-2002 at 03:03 PM
extension hose application

Bob, thank you for visiting our website. Extension hoses are available in the longer lengths, however it depends on the hose application to what appliance. Is this a gas grill or heater or something else? After we determine if it is high pressure or low pressure, then we can discuss the type of hose needed. We should have any length hose you need for you application. Please call our office or repost here for any other questions you might have.....Fort Worth Butane & Grill Shoppe

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