We are about to build an outdoor kitchen and would like to have design help. Can you help?
Thank you for visiting our website. We have many products with many options
for outdoor kitchens. The masonary part of your kitchen would need to be
crafted by you or someone in your area when you decide on the type
surface-tile, stucco, brick etc. that you want. we unfortunately cannot
help with that as it is a personal preference. However we can scan some
pics of ideas if you send us your e-mail address. each of our products have
measurements etc that would be needed for designing your centers. We have
refrigerators,warming trays,sinks,grills, access doors, sinks w/ water
faucets & stainless counter space for food preparation, serving carts,
Even though we do not design centers here I would be glad to e-mail you
some photo ideas if you e-mail us ....sharon @ the Grill Shoppe
We are also in the process of building an outdoor kitchen, and I'd like to
have the pictures you have emailed to me of any kitchen designs you
I'd also like to have a catalog of your products sent to me if possible.
We need the refrigerator, sink, access doors, sinks, etc.
Tx Peach,
thank you for visiting our website and our message board. Today is 7-31-03
and I have just opened your e-mail. I'll be glad to e-mail attachments to
you of various products we carry if you will send me your e-mail address or
whatever info you want me to have. Please send it to : info@grillshoppe.com
(more privacy that way instead of posting it here. We carry all the
compnonents that you asked about and look forward to helping you with ideas
as you design your outdoor kitchen........sharon @ the Grill Shoppe