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OPD (???) for old tank
173234 - 2-20-2003 at 06:53 AM

A while back, I bought a 100 lb. propane tank and an outdoor burner for shrimp boils, etc. I am now looking to get a grill for the backyard, and would like to use my existing tank. When I look at today's grills, however, they all come with the new 'OPD' connection which doesn't match up with my tank's standard old connection.

What can I do to retrofit my tank so that I can
a) connect up with a new grill via an extension hose?, and
b) continue to use my tank with my outdoor burner?

Thanks for the help,

sharon - 3-7-2003 at 03:57 PM

RS, thank you for your question. Somehow I failed to pick up your message when posted --so sorry. YES we have exactly what you need for your setup! The fitting Cost $16.95 plus tax. this fitting screws into your 100 lb tank and the outside of the fitting threads fit your new grill. CALL US COLLECT (817) 838-6961 if you would like to place an order so we can ship one to you. We accept all major creditr cards. Look forward to hearing from you.
We have it all & that's why we are called THE GRILL SHOPPE